Assistant to the President of the University for Scientific Affairs


Associated with the scientific assistant is the Department of Scientific Affairs, the Department of Quality Assurance, the Continuous Education Center, and the Registration Department.

The Scientific Assistant directly supervises the departments associated with him, and works with the powers granted to him by the President of the University.

It also supervises the colleges and scientific departments in them and in all branches of the University in scientific issues; and the most important of them:


1. Monitoring the progress of the teaching process in terms of selecting the best teachers, and applying the best modern educational programs in the areas of specialization.

2. Emphasis on linking the academic side with the practical side of all disciplines at the university.

3. Developing training programs for teachers to raise their efficiency.

4. Developing training programs during the school year and summer vacation for the finished classes for the purpose of acquiring applied knowledge for students.


5. Developing training programs on publishing in international containers.

6. Developing incentive programs for publication in local journals.

7. Developing scientific laboratories in all disciplines, whether in the University Headquarter or in its branches.



The vision of the Scientific Assistant to the President of the University is summed up in placing the University in the ranks of advanced universities in international rankings, and upgrading the teaching staff to obtain outcomes from students that contribute to supplying the labor market with the best scientific and humanitarian disciplines. We also seek to improve the research aspect, whether in international encyclopedias or in local journals. Besides, we seek to govern the University by linking colleges, branches and departments with each other electronically to reduce effort and time, and keep pace with progress in regional and international universities.


Our mission

1. Working as a team with the deans and branch heads to reach the best decisions.

2. We are directly informed of the scientific activities held by the colleges and branches.

3. Develop training and motivational programs for the teaching staff.

4. Continuously updating the scientific curricula.

5. Following up on the development of scientific laboratories.

6 Following up on the progress of the teaching process.

  1. Supervising the examination sheets.



The Scientific Assistant aims to:-

1. Creating a scientific environment parallel to the advanced universities.

2. Attracting the best teachers to the University.

3. Working on outcomes from students that fit the labor market.

4. Developing training programs to sustain the momentum of knowledge work.